Who is right, God or Thomas Hobbes?

by Jun 24, 2020Anarchy/Voluntaryism, Philosophy1 comment

Mark Kreslins

“Thinking Well”

During the Enlightenment, an idea emerged among a number of thinkers that sought to understand who man was, in society, before government. This was often described as man in a state of nature. Thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), John Locke (1632–1704), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) led these discussions, discussions that have an incredible impact on us today. My position is simple, Thomas Hobbes description of man in a state of nature is just wrong and most of modern western Christendom has disregarded God’s pronouncement of man in a state of nature in Genesis 1:26. This disregard has led to massive misery, pain, and now the advance of Neo-Marxism.

God (man in a state of nature): Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Thomas Hobbes (man in a state of nature): “Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of War, where every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; … no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

If Hobbes is correct, then God created man in such a condition that we would always be at war with each other and live solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short lives.

But is Hobbes correct? Is humanity cursed with never-ending conflict, only to be controlled by an absolute authority in the fashion of post-Enlightenment western forms of government like ours, here in the United States? Governments that inevitably grow and expand and place themselves in opposition to the people?

God does not seem to think so. For in a very deliberate choice of words, He makes a profound statement about His creation that even the best of minds cannot fully grasp – we are created in His image. The famous concept Imago Dei. All of us. Every person in their ethnicity, ideology, even culture. Not just American-born Christians. We are all, regenerate and unregenerate, created in His image.

Now of course, common sense tells us Imago Dei cannot be defined in a literal sense of physical appearance. In fact, the Hebrew words used in Genesis 1:26 tell us something that God wants us to understand about His efforts, namely, that we resemble Him in form or state of being (צֶלֶם, דְּמוּת). We do not physically look like Him, but we carry some of His divine attributes even though we are not divine ourselves. For instance:

  • We think because He thinks.
  • We are merciful because He is merciful.
  • We love because He loves.
  • We are forgiving because He forgives.
  • We welcome because He is welcoming.
  • We care because He cares.
  • We laugh because He laughs.
  • We value justice because He values justice.
  • We create because He creates.

But — and here is the key — these attributes are NOT just for His followers. They are for all fallen creation. Born-again or not, we all possess these image-bearing attributes, though marred by the fall obviously. How else do we explain two Muslims having a loving, caring, kind, servant-hearted marriage of fifty years? Or the kindness of an atheist who is a first responder? Or the compassion of a Hindu doctor who cares for the sick? How else is this explained? How else do we explain creative geniuses like Bill Gates, Galileo, Li Cheng, Aristotle who create things we benefit from? Obviously, these folks are not nor were they followers of Jesus Christ in the way the Bible describes it. How about comedians like Red Skelton, or motion picture moguls like Walt Disney? Or Persian engineer Banū Mūsā? The list could go on and on detailing the accomplishments and achievements of non-Christians who nonetheless acted in concert with God’s creative image-bearing powers He and only He possesses. Because we cannot argue biblically that only those who are saved are His image-bearers, can we? Of course not!

There is no other explanation other than He created us in His image. All of us. Whether or not regenerated by the substitutionary death on the Cross, we still have a remarkable ability to live without being in a constant state of war with each other as Hobbes suggests in his views of man in a state of nature. A state of conflict Hobbes insists is the normative life and a state that demands an absolutist government with absolute power over God’s image-bearers to control them. 

Unfortunately, as we experience today, most post-Enlightenment governments are designed upon the Hobbesian premise. They regularly lie and insist without them (government), man will just revert to savagery, war, theft, murder and lead solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short lives. 


Most governments have a vested interest in indoctrinating people into believing we will we will fall into a state of barbarity without them. Why? Because if we ever figure out, as a people created in His image that our “natural” state is defined by His attributes I listed above, it will spell the end of government as we understand it.

And the evidence of my claim is everywhere.

For instance, the average day for most people consists of voluntary interactions all the time.

  • People drive on a road that necessitates peaceful voluntary interactions with a 2000 lb vehicle at 70 mph. Or we just assume that people will follow instructions at a four-way intersection.
  • People shop at Walmart, gas stations, fast-food restaurants just about every day, all voluntarily and peacefully. Often saying hi and thank you.
  • People visit hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other medical clinics, all peacefully and voluntarily.
  • People go to movies and eat at restaurants.
  • People peacefully function in community just about every day of their lives. They get up, and go to work and produce everything their fellow man needs, at the same time earning money to take care of their families.
  • This reflects mankind’s natural state of nature, operating instinctively and intuitively in God’s definition of man in a state of nature.

The list above is so commonplace, we engage these activities intuitively and instinctively. Government will assert that these activities are so commonplace because the government is present and keeps us from killing or robbing each other. And that is the big Hobbesian lie we have all been trained to accept.

Thomas Hobbes, well-meaning or not, told a big lie. That mankind is in a constant state of war with each other. Experientially, this is 100% false.


So after you read this article, the fundamental proposition before you is simple: 

  • Are these intuitive, commonplace activities we all engage in because of God’s image-bearing man in a state of nature? Or, 
  • Are these intuitive, commonplace activities we all engage in because Hobbes’ view of man in a state of nature is more correct and the very presence of government allows the list above to occur?

One answer leads to slavery.

Another answer leads to freedom.

My bet is on God’s image-bearers. His creative genius, including being created in His image, drives our daily community living, whether or not we know it, or acknowledge it. Marred by the fall of man of course, but nevertheless, still present in all His creation. And this immutable fact is far, far more powerful when it comes to organizing society than anything Hobbes or any of the greatest minds have proffered as the way to organize societies. 

Now, this does not negate the reality of evil in any society; man is fallen. There will always be a subset of society that reflects Hobbesian philosophy and will be at war with their fellow man. They will rape, murder and steal. But, the fundamental question before us now is simple: does a small percentage of people who do fit Hobbes’ idea of man in a state of nature require a government the size of ours here in the U.S.? A $4 Trillion, wreckless, aggressive, evil leviathan?

No! A thousand times no! Just as God warned the nation of Israel through Samuel, when government is chosen by people, a lot of bad, evil Hobbesian-type people with power come along with it. The very essence of governmental authority is a magnet for the corrupt.

So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him. He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves.  And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” 1 Samuel 8

Will we continue to be as foolish as the Israelites and demand government because we fell for the Hobbesian lie that man in a state of nature will lead a solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short life? 

Or, will we take the time to rethink how to organize a society, under God’s Genesis 1:26 ideas of man in a state of nature? 

The choice really is yours. Live life as if you believe God or live life as if you believe Hobbes.

A Genesis 1:26 understanding makes anarchy/voluntaryism a necessary choice for the serious Christian by the way!

1 Comment

  1. Suzanne

    Well done, my friend!


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