Inaugural Commentary

by Apr 13, 2020Blog0 comments

Mark Kreslins

I’m a standard Lorem Ipsum text for fill the space.

These are precarious times. Covid-19 lurking everywhere. Government moving on the people, issuing decree after decree as if we are but mere subjects of a new king. A king in a faraway land we call Washington D.C.

The Christian community responds with compliance, submission and obedience, not knowing what else to do. Sure, they mutter, “that’s not constitutional” as if the mere utterance of that phrase will stop the onslaught, but down deep they know it will change nothing.

Having been trained to do so, the typical politically active Christian will then fall back on “praying for their leaders.” This only serves to mask a hope that somehow, because of their not loving God with their minds that the God of the universe is on the hook for this mess and He must now emerge and intervene. Just as He has done in the past with the parting of the Red Sea, the miraculous burning bush, turning rivers red and even raising people from the dead. So, having been complicit in creating the mess we’re in, God must now right this wrong.

This is their fallback position.

But it betrays a much deeper, more sinister set of problems within the body. It triggers a series of questions that must be asked.

  1. Is it God’s “responsibility” to bail us out of trouble? Especially when we helped create it?
  2. Is America a “Christian nation?”
  3. Did the Christian community actually participate in the calamity we now face? Can we be humble enough to admit it?
  4. Why did so many fall for nice semi-fictional stories about our own history?
  5. Why are we vulnerable to political narratives about history, like the supposed divine nature of the Constitution? Especially when God makes it clear our citizenship is in Heaven.  Why do we commit the sin of jingoism, hegemony?
  6. How in the heck does Romans 13 make sense when Jefferson wrote that the people are the final “human” authority in our form of government?
  7. Are Christians commanded by God to rule? Should Christians promote theocracy?
  8. Does the evangelical Religious Right speak for all Christians?
  9. And many others.

This document and ONLY this document can save us now!

While we will never try to compete with the utter genius of Babylon Bee, but some of our contributors will use hyperbole and satire to expose foolish or unfounded ideas, reproof and calls to repentance. This is not done to come across as superior, but to ask the church to reconsider their current trajectory. In fact, most contributors recently came through their own journeys away from Christian nationalism, hegemony and into a Matthew 22:37 Loving God with their Minds ethos. In fact, this typifies my own journey. As  one preacher once told me, “Mark, when you’re pointing your finger at others, remember, three are pointed back at yourself. I am very aware of this.


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